Wildlife in the South Hams AONB is under extreme threat from Climate Change and loss of habitat. Without our concerted efforts to rebuild habitats in our gardens, farmlands, riverbanks and seashore - some species are tottering on the brink of extinction. Local action to monitor, rebuild and conserve our wildlife is of great importance and very rewarding. Nature wants to live, and will live, if we give it a chance.
Local shops often source their goods locally, helping to reduce their carbon footprint. When shopping local, people are also more likely to walk or cycle to get there – doing their bit to reduce air pollution, reduce traffic and improve the quality of the nation’s high streets. A significant percentage of money spent locally is returned and invested in the local area. A recent Welsh Government study shows that for every £10 spent £3.85 is reinvested within the local community, compared to spending that in a national business where only 25p would be reinvested. So where we choose to place our money puts us in a powerful position and can help us towards a positive and more sustainable future.
Infinite growth in a finite planet does not make sense and it is the cause of climate change. Making the changes to our lifestyles that reduce our demand for new things can be fun and save money too. Everything we use has to come from somewhere and must go somewhere once we’re finished with it. The environmental cost of an item isn't just a reflection of what's needed to make it. It also reflects the energy used and greenhouse gas emissions created in the item's production and the impact it will have when we use it and throw it away. Our demand for new products has a huge impact on our carbon footprint – we can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and get to our net zero target by making sustainable choices and keeping existing materials and resources in circulation for longer.
What Are We Doing?
Bigbury has some of the most amazing, sustainable businesses, service providers and producers. Look out for the Planet Local signs on the shelves at Holywell Stores and choose locally made, produced and grown produce in our village shop.
Planet Local organised the first Sustainable South Hams Festival last December in Bigbury. It had local food and drink, artists, crafts, activities, workshops, demonstrations, gift ideas, sewing, chefs and virtual reality.
We have a collection of items for hire to enhance your event. There's a variety of bunting, glass bottles, tealight holders and textiles. Why buy new when you can hire from us? It's better for the environment and better for your wallet! We can also offer styling advice. All fees are paid to Bigbury Net Zero.
Holywell Stores allowed BNZ to convert their telephone box into a lending library for books on nature, gardening, home cooking and the environment. The library is supported by regular donations of books on these topics. The lovely graphics on the windows were drawn by local people.
What Can You Do?
Shop locally as much as possible and look out for the Planet Local signs.
Donate books to our Big Red Telephone Box Library.
Forget 'Fast Fashion' and bag some bargains in Charity Shops.
Look online for local, 2nd hand or upcycled furniture eg on Facebook.
Hire instead of buying new - try Bigbury Event Hire and support Bigbury Net Zero.
Repair it, don't dump it - use people like IRepairGadgetsSW
Declutter your home and sell online or take your unwanted pile to a Charity Shop.
Start a 'Share Shed' for sharing big equipment (contact us if you need help).
Don't forget to use your Bags for Life!